Scattered Thoughts

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

A new year, a new tale and where has the time GONE?!

Holy Cow!! How on earth did so long pass between posts? It's MAY already! I tell you, it's been a whirlwind around here, between kids and work and oh heck--I've been sick, too. ~shrug~ Just another day in the life, I suppose.
Lots has happened since the last post. Some things I refuse to write about--they hurt and will only make me utterly furious once more and quite frankly, I don't need that.
Best thing that happened came in November! MY BABY IS HOME!!!! Stephie showed up on a satuday morning after a phone call the night before. (Thanks, brothermine for the notice) Still, life is good. God help me, another teenager in my home and this one's FEMALE! I had forgotten just how....girly..she is. Bathroom use is now by appointment only ~eye roll~ because she has taken it over. As much as she drives me crazy--I am STILL just happy dancing all over the place to have her HERE--able to come curl up in my lap and cuddle for no reason or to laugh with me, talk about stuff etc. I will somehow manage to clean up her mouth--it's too pretty for those kinda words. She's 15 and thinks she's goin on 30.
Thanksgiving was chaotic--less than 2 weeks after miss mouse came home--cook, cook, freeze, rest..pretend I'm not sick or tired--get up and continue, anyway. Christmas was quiet--blessedly quiet--Well, except that Bud had just finally gotten back into his home--after a week in hotels due to the ice storms that rages through New England. I was ready to choke the catlivingshit out of his electric company, I tell you what! I would have had to take a number and join the queue--but I would have fought my way forward. You ain't THAT big, darlin and while I am littler than you are--I'm STILL meaner!
Anyway..then came the new year and miss mouse's birthday, then Bud's ~grins~ I still owe you for that, don't I, hon? Yeah, yeah--I know--payback's a bitch. ~soft laugh~ Heartbeat or less, sweetheart---heartbeat or less.

Anyway..really, so much has gone on and trying to remember it all--is boggling! OH! My little "Marine in training"? ~whimpers~ will REALLY be a Marine in training! He turned 18 in October, joined DEP and will be heading to the Island in July after graduation. I am equal parts proud as hell--and scared to death! What could I say? No? Right. He's wanted to be a "Marine like mom" since he was just a bit of a thing and tries to "comfort" me telling me he's "Guaranteed" his MOS. ~soft laugh~ "So was I, my son", I told him--then I retook the ASVAB and they decided my skills could be better utilized in another area. Not that I am complaining, mind. Still--he's bright and I pray for anything but 0311. And for those out there reading..That's the mom in me talking. I know plenty of grunts and have no problem at all with them--I simply don't want that for my only son. I know what this world is like, at the moment and hope for a better tomorrow. Semper Fi, devil dogs.
Okay..and, on that note, I shall stop this. I love my son, am proud as hell of him, but--deep inside, his mommy is screaming and looking frantically for her apron strings and knowing she's not going to find them. I raised him tougher than that, thank God.

Okay and now, I have run into a blank--this is really the one thing I hate about blogging--I never know when to quit or what to say. ~grins over at someone special~ or how to say it, ya? why is it that someone that loves words as much as I do, am totally unable to express it without sounding trite or cliche'd? je' ne comprends pas. I adore you, you know. Love you beyond words. See what you've made of me? Finagled that niche and took the whole darn thing! I heart sprinkles you.



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