Scattered Thoughts

Saturday, June 17, 2006

I'm melllllting! (aka welcome to summer and Thanks, Alberto)

June in Florida is not that fun. It's pretty and it's bright and it's green and absolutely fabulous blue skies (when the hurricanes are still far off) and it's --yes, I admit it, It's gorgeous. However, it's also HUMID! See, I am a desert native, High Desert to be exact, North Central New Mexico, born and raised in Albuquerque. Where I come from 100 degrees is exactly that--100 degrees and freaking hot--so, go soak your head in the sink, rub a towel over it and you're cool again. No humidity to KEEP that heat in the air! Can't do that here. It just makes you that much more uncomfortable. Thank God for air conditioning!! I used to turn up my nose at those people that used freon, etc. I had a swamp cooler and it kept my home nice and cool, thanks! Thankfully, even with nose in the air, my words were tender and soft--I am now eating them on a nearly daily basis. Just shoot me? Wait--not really--I may not like the humidity, but i am just a bit fond of breathing. ~fervent nodding of head~

Now, have I mentioned that my twin is an HVAC tech, amongst his many other skills? I adore my brother, truly I do. However, I am going to choke the catlivingshit out of him if he doesn't get my @#%$ing air conditioner working again ~gentle smile~ I know where he lives, I have a key to the door and a baseball bat I am completely conversant with. HE has air conditioning. Mine works when it wants to. ~sigh~ Okay, so it's not that bad and I really need a tray of cheese and crackers to go with this whine. I have most of the "air leaks" fixed, save the big, obvious ones which need replacement, not a patchwork job. Doors are on my agenda; He knows this. I am just pouting due to the humidity level following Alberto and his MUCH needed and quite humbly thanked for rain he threw at us--even if it DID smell like dead fish.

Still, things are going all right for us, kids are happy, most of the time--hey, they're teenagers--have YOU ever known a teen to be 100% happy 24/7? Dani and Stephie as usual are arguing over the room--Dani is a pig--Steph, is NOT and will (and has) thrown Dani's myriad piles of junk off "her" side of the room and onto Dani's bed--which ticks Dani off. My opinion--too bad, so sad. Don't want it on your bed, what makes you think Steph wants it on her floor? Put your stuff away. Everything has a place--why is it not IN said place? ~cue dramatic teen 'mom you simply have NOT got a clue' sigh, followed by the continuous eye roll of disgust~ Spare me. Been there, done that. Yep, T-shirt, hat, beach bag and all. I lived through it, you will too, kiddo. "But YOU didn't have to share a ROOM, mom!" ~my turn to roll my eyes~ Really? That's odd, since I am the YOUNGEST of SEVEN children in a three bed, 1 3/4 bath home, plus den, so 4 bedrooms. That's NINE people, kidlet. I shared a room with mom and dad, then with Cindy and Barb, then with Cindy, then with Pat and then--finally, at long last--i got my own room--and where the HECK did i sleep? IN PAT'S ROOM on the roll away bed because I WAS LONELY! ~very deliberately makes no mention of the fact that I am also terrified of what may be in the dark (note: NOT "of" the dark, i love the night, but of what may be IN the dark) and level my gaze at her~ Okay, here we go--cue another disgusted sigh and stomp off down the hall while Steph looks on with this smug little smirk I really don't have the heart to chide her for--she takes enough from Dani and that little girl has the patience of Job, i sometimes think. One more year and then she, too, will become the inhuman thing known as a teenager. I pray she remembers the lessons of her sister and brother. She's a smart girl.

On the "man front" there's not a darn thing. Or do I hail from the planet "Oblivious"? Hell if I know ~shrug~ I suppose patience is a virtue--i thought I had left that behind years ago? I DO have three children, I apparently know what caused them since i ceased having them when the baby factory was closed and the playground opened in its place. ~blows the cobwebs off the swings and slides~ Crap--time for some improvement, perhaps? ~shrug~

Ya know..writing like this, which I've not done since I was 15 and discovered my brother reading my diary (which was subsequently burned) and laughing at what he found in there is so very odd. Almost liek talking to someone--who is unable to talk back. I have to say its rather disconcerting. However, on the flip side of that coin, it's also rather freeing--becuase i CAN say any darned thing I want to and no one can interrupt me, drag me off one of my tangents or argue with anything. The other real trouble--i get bored as hell of talking about myself. ya, ya--we do it in casual conversation, some of us more than others--and i am no less guilty of that than anyone else and likely moreso than a few. Still, i truly am intersted in what someone ELSE is doing--hearing how THEIR day went, what they did this past week, yadda, yadda, yadda. Can't do that here, now can ya, Mikigirl? Ah well, life goes on, the world keeps spinning..and i am getting sick and darned tired of my own company all the time.~frump~ So, I run away and visit my friend, Starla. ~hugs cuz I know you're like the only person reading this~. you're one of the few with the patience to wade through scattered threads and put the jigsaw together that I call a walk through the mind of miki. Scary stuff in there, so watch your step!! Especially in the insomnia stage--things get hairy then. I adore you and John and I wonder if you have any idea quite how much? More than words can say, my friend.

Anyway, getting late, so--I have a good Suzanne Brockmann that I am currently re-reading (Anyone else read "Hot Target" yet?) throw a good suspenseful whodunit into a quasi-romance and you have me on a leash uintil it's done. Hasta la bye-bye

Bonne nuit,



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